Mononoke High School is an immersive narrative adventure centred around a new transfer in a mysterious campus for training Mononoke hunters. Mononoke High School is a unique blend of action gameplay and detective experience.

With its manga-like and extravagant animated visual style, the game is set in contemporary Tokyo, haunted by Mononokes from traditional Japanese folklore.

After your lover's tragic yet mysterious death, 'You', the story's protagonist, accidentally finds your superpower of killing Mononoke (supernatural monsters). Being recruited in Mononoke High, you determine to find out the truth of his death and to sanction the evil Mononoke. 

The opportunity of building a new world with friends in Mononoke High along your journey makes the darkness tolerable. However, As you get closer to the truth, your firm beliefs are gradually on the verge of resolution. Is it possible to differentiate good from evil in this absurd world?